Podium Training Endurance Cakes

We're big fans of fueling and recovering via plant-based nutrition, and utilizing whole foods whenever possible is even better.

For long rides - whether you’re on the road or on your trainer - we've developed our own version of a savory rice cake. The texture is a little softer than your traditional energy bar, so it's easy to chew and swallow. It's full of good whole grains, quality protein, and with the addition of quality micronutrients (Omega-3, Omega-6, and amino acids), this could be your new go-to endurance bar. It also makes a great recovery snack.

It’s a riff on the ever-popular rice cakes recipe. But it’s vegan, and all whole foods.

Podium Training Endurance Cakes

  • 2 cups cooked sweet brown rice

  • 8 oz tempeh bacon

  • ½ cup walnuts

  • 1 tablespoon ground chia seeds

  • 3 tablespoons water

  • 2 tablespoons liquid aminos

  • 2-3 tablespoons maple syrup


Cook the rice via your favorite method.

  1. Place the cooked rice in a bowl.

  2. In a food processor mix the tempeh bacon and walnuts. Just a quick, course, chop - we want a little texture here. Transfer to bowl with the rice

  3. Wisk the ground flax seeds and water together. Pour into the rice mixture

  4. Add in the liquid aminos and maple syrup. Mix the ingredients together.

  5. Transfer the rice mixture to an 8 x 8 inch square pan, press out to about 1 ½ inches thick.

  6. Cover and place in refrigerator to cool. Once set, cut into bars and wrap individually. 

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Recovery Smoothie

What better way to recovery after a long ride, or run, than with a protein and good-carb laden smoothie. It's sweet, refreshing, and helps you kick-start your post-workout recovery regime. Great whole-grains, potassium, and quality protein make this our go-to recovery shake or meal replacement. Thanks to JL Fields from the Colorado Springs Vegan Cooking Academy for assisting with all of our upcoming recipes!

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Training and Nutrition

As individuals are now deep into base-building phases, moving on to race-specific training, or in some cases are already beginning their racing season, nutrition is a topic that shouldn't be overlooked in regards to successful triathlon training. Not just race-day nutrition, but your overall nutritional plan.

I'm talking about properly fueling your body to train, recover, and race.  Triathlon training is not a diet. In order to perform at your highest possible level, and reduce the risk of injury, proper nutrition is key.

I hear far too many athletes talk about losing weight, cutting carbs and calories, in an attempt to get to their "race weight". Spoiler alert: I used to be one of them. My worst race of my career was when I weighed the least.  My best race? About 7-8 pounds heavier than what I thought I needed to be. Ah, what a little education can do.

Chances are, as a triathlete (or swimmer, or cyclist) you need more calories than you think each day. A balanced and well thought-out diet includes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Yes, fats and carbs - don't be afraid of eating healthy fats and good quality whole grain carbohydrates. The percentages of each macro-nutrient will of course change throughout the year as you progress from off-season, to pre-season, and through your race season, but you need all of these macro-nutrients to ensure that you're maximizing the impact of your training and staying healthy.

My education as a triathlon coach, as well as my education in sports and performance nutrition, has really opened my eyes to what a proper pre-season, race-season, and off-season, diet can and should look like. Incorporating a well balanced, whole-food based, nutritionally sound diet during your training is critical. You'll train and recover better, and you'll race better as well.

Questions? I'm happy to help. Jump down to the comments and ask away.

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Tis the season - for over indulgence! Yep, the holidays are fast approaching. And I get it. Thanksgiving is such a great time to be with friends and family. It becomes pretty easy to have that extra glass of wine, and have seconds of your favorite dish. But it's simple to make some smart decisions on your food that day. So get yourself in the kitchen!

Whether you're hosting Thanksgiving, or attending a feast elsewhere, there are some great dishes you can make to ensure you're eating well and not feeling like you're depriving yourself.

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Training Nutrition Facts and Fiction

Some time ago, I wrote an article about how training for a triathlon was not a diet. There's a fine line between maintaining a healthy training and racing weight and an unhealthy weight. And this topic is gender neutral. Men and women alike are equally susceptible to an unhealthy diet and nutrition plan whilst training for an endurance event. 

Using myself as an example, my worst race occurred when I weighed the least. It was very early in my triathlon 'career', and I was at a goal weight which I though would help me perform better. In truth I was under-weight, as I was spurned on by all they hype around "getting lean" and "losing an extra few pounds for the next race".

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