Aging and Training - Redux

last year I wrote about the impact of aging and training and how recovery, and intensity, change as we become older. You can read the entire post at the provided link here if you'd like to get a little background. But, in summary, our recovery periods can begin take longer as we age, and our ability to do the work levels we once found sustainable can / will begin to diminish. Dealing with these inevitable factors of life can be difficult for some. Myself included.

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Flip Turns - Should You Do Them?

I can't tell you how many times I've heard a triathlete state: "I don't need to do flip turns .... I'm not going to do a flip turn in open water, so why should I here in the pool?" A recent post on VeloPress reminded me of how frequently this topic comes up, and why that statement is so off the mark.

First of all, it's true: You won't be doing any flip turns during your open water swim. You've got me there, Captain Obvious. However, doing a harmless open turn during training is, potentially, doing more harm than you might think

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Coaching Athletes & Training

On occasion, my US Masters swim club will have a light turnout at practice. It happens now and again, and is usually tied to people traveling for work or getting away for a few days - especially now during the summer. On those mornings when there's a smaller crew in the water, I'm inevitably asked "...where's your suit? You should get in and work out with us!"

No can do.

It doesn't matter if there are two people at practice, or 22. If I'm coaching, I need to be on deck. And I'm not speaking from a safety standpoint - but rather from a coaching standpoint. How can I make stroke corrections? How would I ensure drills are being done as they should be by each individual? How can I provide feedback to everyone? Those athletes are there to be coached, and I'd be remiss if I wasn't paying attention to each an every one of them.

I've had local athletes invite me to join in on one of their training rides - " see if there's anything in the bike fit, or pedal stroke, or body position that might be off and in need of correction." Well, that's what bike fits are for. If I go on a ride with an athlete, I won't be paying 100% attention to the athlete. I'll be watching the road, or trail. Those kind of corrections are best done one on one, with the athlete on a bike trainer, and with me (the coach) 100% engaged.

As a coach, our training has to take a back seat.  It has to be done at odd times of the day when you have the ability to sneak in a swim, bike, or run. Or a day may come and go when you simply can't get in your planned workout.

Being a coach is all about coaching your athletes.

Training and Nutrition

As individuals are now deep into base-building, moving on to race specific training, or in some cases are already beginning their racing season, nutrition is an important topic that shouldn't be overlooked in regards to successful triathlon training.  Not just race-day nutrition.  But your overall nutritional plan.

I'm talking about properly fueling your body to train, recover, and race.  Triathlon training is not a diet.  Don't cut carbs.  Don't eat fewer calories that you're expending.

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End Of Year Giveaway

As 2014 comes to an end, we here at Podium Training Systems have been busy planning for 2015.  We have some great sponsor partnerships - both new and returning -  lined up for next year, and in celebration of this (and the spirit of the holiday season) we're holding an end of year giveaway.

All you need to do is sign up for the Podium Training mailing list by filling out the signup form below.  By doing so, you'll not only receive the monthly newsletter (which is always full of great information), but you'll be automatically entered in a drawing to win one of the below prizes:

  • Grand Prize: One semi-custom triathlon training plan (value $225)
  • First Prize: Amrita Nutrition gift pack. (T-shirt, water bottle, swim cap, sample bars)
  • Second Prize: Nuun Hydration gift pack. (Water bottle, Nuun samples)

All subscribers of the Podium Training mailing list are automatically entered to win. Winners will be chosen on January 1, 2015.  Winners will be chosen at random, and will be contacted via email with details on how to claim their prize.  The first and second prizes are limited to those in North America (sorry - shipping rates and all) but the grand prize is open to anyone!**

**Grand prize available only to those that are not currently Podium Training Systems athletes.

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